Thursday, January 1, 2009

Here Comes Santa......

We celebrated Christmas at home this year. We enjoyed some holiday shows including the Nutcracker (Zane and Aidan couldn't understand why none of the dancers talked) and Casa Manana's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. On Christmas Eve our little elves made reindeer food and spread it out on the lawn so Santa's reindeer would have lots of energy for their many deliveries. Favorite presents from Santa were lightsabers for Zane and American Girls Ruthie and Kit for Aidan and Payson. Grandpa and Grandma Kelley joined us on the 27th
and the tree was once again
abundant with presents!
Zane reveled in all of his starwars
gear and our princesses spent the day
playing "dress-up" and crafting. We
had a nice visit with Grandpa and
Grandma Kelley over the holiday and
with help from Grandpa, Jonathan was
able to finish building our fence addition.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing job on your blog! Love the main picture at the top, totally cute!
